Magdeburger Dom

Canoeing on the Elbe: the perfect canoe and SUP tour in Germany

The most beautiful places to canoe in Germany

Welcome to the second part of our series “The most beautiful places to canoe in Germany”. This time it’s about my home waters, the Elbe, and one of the most beautiful canoe and SUP tours this region has to offer. In this article, you’ll find out everything you need to know to plan a successful canoe or SUP tour from Schönebeck to Magdeburg.

Whether you are looking for well-known waters or hidden gems – in this series we test and evaluate various waters in eastern Germany. We focus on criteria such as accessibility, nature experience, suitability for beginners and advanced anglers as well as available accommodation.

If you missed the first part of our series, be sure to check out our blog post on Netzener See!

Why canoeing on the Elbe in Germany is a must

Kanu fahren auf der Elbe

The Elbe is one of the most famous rivers in Germany and offers a wonderful mix of nature and urban flair on its route from Schönebeck to Magdeburg. This canoe and SUP tour stretches over around 14 kilometers and is particularly suitable for paddlers with some experience, as the conditions can be a little more challenging in some places. For SUP riders in particular, the route is more suitable for advanced paddlers, as a certain level of basic confidence in dealing with currents and wind is required.

The tour starts in Schönebeck and leads downstream to Magdeburg. Right from the start, the Elbe impresses with its varied riverside landscapes, which offer a lot to nature lovers and water sports enthusiasts alike. The Elbe’s current makes it easy to get around and ensures that you can move forward at a relaxed pace. At the same time, there are natural bays and sandbanks along the river that are perfect for short breaks.

The quiet sections where you can enjoy nature to the full are particularly attractive on this route. The banks are often densely overgrown and there are always sections that seem a little more secluded. Here you can relax and enjoy the view of the expansive floodplain landscapes. Occasionally you can also spot the water birds that have made this region their home.

The closer you get to Magdeburg, the clearer the change from nature to city becomes. The view of the Magdeburg skyline, with the cathedral and historic buildings in the background, is an impressive end to the tour. This contrast between the quiet, natural stretches of riverbank and the urban atmosphere of Magdeburg is what makes this route so appealing.

For those looking for nature in combination with a relaxed river course and an exciting city experience, this tour offers a great opportunity to experience the Elbe from a unique perspective. Overall, the route is varied and offers many beautiful impressions – perfect for paddlers who are comfortable on calm waters as well as those who enjoy exploring new banks.

Canoeing on the Elbe: how to get there and the boarding point in Schönebeck

Kanu fahren auf der Elbe Schönebeck Anlegestelle

The tour starts in the Schönebeck Frohse district, which is easily accessible by public transport from Magdeburg. If you are traveling by car, we recommend parking in Magdeburg and then taking the S1 S-Bahn line to Schönebeck. The journey takes around 30 minutes. The advantage of this journey is that you don’t have to return to Schönebeck to pick up your car after the tour.

After arriving at the Schönebeck Frohse stop, follow a short footpath to the harbor. There you will see a sign indicating that unauthorized persons are not allowed to enter – this can be ignored in this case, as access via the harbour area is necessary to get to the Magdeburg campsite, which serves as the official entry point.

Once you arrive at the campsite, you will find a stable jetty that makes it easy to get into the water. The entry point offers enough space to prepare your canoe or SUP in peace. There is no hustle and bustle here, and getting in is easy and uncomplicated due to the conditions.

Evaluation of the entry point

Kanu fahren auf der Elbe

Boarding point at the Schönebeck jetty:

10 out of 10 points

The entry point in Schönebeck is excellent. The access is easy to find, the jetty is well maintained and there is enough space to get into the water in a relaxed manner.

Canoeing on the Elbe: the route from Schönebeck to Magdeburg

After launching the canoe or SUP, you head downstream towards Magdeburg. The route is around 14 kilometers long and can be completed in around 2 to 3 hours, depending on the current and breaks.

Once you are on the Elbe, the tour begins with a leisurely section of the river, aided by the current. The banks are mostly calm and you can expect a relaxed flow. The tour leads downstream to Magdeburg and is well suited to advanced paddlers and SUP riders who prefer a route that is not too difficult. The gentle current ensures that you can make progress without much effort.

The route offers various opportunities for breaks on the banks or sandbanks.

On the way to Magdeburg

The breathtaking tranquillity of the river awaits you right at the start. The Elbe is known for its many bird species, and you are sure to spot grey herons and many other animals on the banks.

After about an hour, you will reach the Westerhüsen ferry station. Take particular care here, as ferries always have priority. At this point, you should pass the ferry on the opposite side of the ferry landing. In Westerhüsen, the sign is on the left bank, so you have to drive around the ferry on the right.

However, if the ferry is on the right bank or on its way, you will have to wait. It is important to keep sufficient distance, as ferries travel at right angles to the current and are difficult to maneuver. As soon as the ferry has safely docked or is back on its starting side, you can continue your tour.

Once you have safely passed the ferry station, the tour continues towards Magdeburg, with the river remaining calm and the current gently pushing you along.

Fähre Westerhüsen Elbe

Highlight: Magdeburg Cathedral and the cathedral cliffs

Canoeing on the Elbe: Alte Elbe

Before the section with the cathedral rock, you will reach the fork in the Alte Elbe, which branches off to the left. Here you have the option of either staying on the main Elbe or taking a detour into the Alte Elbe. The Alte Elbe takes you into a quieter and more natural area, which offers a relaxed alternative for paddlers. However, you should be aware that this section is shallower in places and that it can be more difficult to make progress when the water level is low.

For SUP riders and beginners, it is therefore usually advisable to stay on the main Elbe river, as the current is more constant here and no obstacles are to be expected. It is also easier to find your way along the main route, as you can paddle directly towards Magdeburg city center without any detours.

However, if you opt for the Alte Elbe, you can expect a route that is particularly appealing to nature lovers. Here, the banks are often more densely overgrown and you can enjoy the surroundings in peace away from the main traffic. It is important to check the water level in good time to avoid getting into water that is too shallow. Otherwise, this section is a nice change from the main route.

Once you have left the fork behind you and continue on the main Elbe river, you approach the next striking point of the tour: Magdeburg Cathedral and the cathedral cliffs.

Magdeburger Dom

Canoeing on the Elbe: Magdeburg Cathedral

One of the most striking points of the tour is the view of Magdeburg Cathedral, which is clearly visible from the river. The cathedral, one of the city’s most famous landmarks, offers you a clear panorama from the water. This is a landmark on the route, especially for paddlers, but it also marks a point where particular caution is required.

Shortly before Magdeburg Cathedral, there is a section of the Elbe known as the Domfelsen. At this point, particularly on the left-hand side of the river, the water becomes choppy due to the rocks and can quickly become a problem for paddlers. The current is stronger and uneven here, which makes maneuvering more difficult. This section can be particularly challenging for SUP riders, as it is difficult to keep your balance on the choppy waves.

The recommendation is therefore to move to the right-hand side of the river in this section to avoid the cathedral rock. Here, the water is calmer and the current is steadier, which makes for safer progress. It is advisable to pass this section with concentration and with sufficient distance from the turbulent zones on the left. As soon as you have left the cathedral rock behind you, the route becomes calmer again and you can continue the last few meters towards your destination in Magdeburg without any major difficulties.

This section of the tour requires foresighted paddling and a good assessment of the current conditions, but is manageable if you are careful.

Evaluation of the route

The route is perfect for experienced paddlers, but beginners should not underestimate the challenges of the cathedral rocks.

Canoeing on the Elbe: the arrival and departure point in Magdeburg

After passing Magdeburg Cathedral and a few more bridges, you reach the city limits. This is where it gets tricky: the exit points in Magdeburg are rather disappointing. The spot I found on the internet is not well maintained, and the sharp-edged stones on the bank make mooring dangerous – especially for SUP riders. When I took my board down, I had to be extremely careful not to damage my equipment. You can see a short flight of steps further up at the edge.

Kanu Ausstiegsstelle Magdeburg

Unfortunately, the alternative exit point on the opposite side of the Elbe is quite far from the city center. I looked around a bit online and found the following alternatives:

Magdeburg – Zollelbe, junction at km 327.3

Magdeburg-Herrenkrug, km 329.3

Evaluation of the exit point

Magdeburg exit point:

1 out of 10 points

Unfortunately, the exit point in Magdeburg cannot be recommended at all. The stones are dangerous for the equipment and the steep stairs make it difficult to bring the equipment safely ashore.

Conclusion: Canoeing on the Elbe – a dream for experienced paddlers

Despite the poor exit point, the tour from Schönebeck to Magdeburg is one of the most beautiful canoe and SUP tours in eastern Germany. The nature, the wildlife and the view of Magdeburg Cathedral make this route a real highlight. However, beginners should be careful, especially on the cathedral rocks, as the water can be treacherous here.

Kanu fahren auf der Elbe Magdeburg Anlegestelle

Overview of ratings

Entry point at the Schönebeck jetty: 10 out of 10 points

Exit point in Magdeburg: 1 out of 10 points

Suitability for canoes and SUPs, especially for beginners: Not suitable for beginners, basic knowledge and safety should be present

Water quality: 8 out of 10 points (beautiful river with many sand groynes)

Overnight accommodation for campers: 9 out of 10 points

Overall rating: 9 out of 10 points

Tips for your canoe tour on the Elbe

Plan your exit well: If possible, explore alternative exit points in Magdeburg to avoid damaging your equipment.

Start early: The morning hours offer the best light conditions and the calmest atmosphere on the water.

Be careful at the cathedral rocks: This spot is particularly treacherous for beginners. Always ride on the right-hand side here.

Kanu fahren auf der Elbe Magdeburg

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